Products ATEMM® are patented 

ATEMM® H-ESD in ATEMM® green point pad


The innovative products ATEMM® H-ESD and ATEMM® green point pads are installed into/on slot machines, doors and places where guests can senselessly discharge static electricity..
They provide pleasant, relaxed and less stressful stay in a casino or hotel.

Why you feel discomfort:

When walking, in all rooms, a person is charged with a positive or negative charge, depending on the humidity of air, material of the floor and footwear. Touching a grounded object or person will cause a discharge with an unpleasant static shock or a slight itching on the surface of the skin. Electrostatic charge is an unpredictable natural phenomenon that occurs most often in winter. We charge each time we move, rubbing with clothing or touching another person.

Usage: slot machines, reception desk, doors, toilets,...

Feel good - use ATEMM® green point


A novelty in the Casino VENKO

 As of February 2011, Casino VENKO has ATEMM® green point pads, for senseless discharge of static electricity, installed on all slot machines. This is intended for the well-being of players in the casino, where care for guests comes first. We are proud that we are the first in the world that solved the problem of static electricity in the casino. This provides guests of Casino VENKO a pleasant, relaxed and less stressful stay in the casino, while playing on the latest gaming machines.

Instructions for use:

The use of ATEMM® green point pads is very simple. All you have to do is touch the ATEMM® green point pad, which senselessly discharges your body of static electricity, which has a negative effect on your well-being. As you move around the gaming room, repeatedly touch the ATEMM® green point pad to feel better.


Taking care of employees:

We also took care of the staff working in the casino. ATEMM® green point pads are installed at points  where unpleasant static discharges is most likely to occur.


Watch the video showing how ATEMM® green point pads are used in hotels and casinos.



Do you want more information about ATEMM® products to solve problems in your company ?

logoLet us know where you have problems with static electricity..

Innovative in the development of static electricity discharge technologies..
ATEMM d.o.o. is an innovative company in the field of human static electricity discharge technology.We develop and produce innovative solutions for a healthy, comfortable and safe life. We are member in the Global Chamber of Business Leaders.

Our location

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ATEMM d.o.o.

Prvomajska ulica 28 A
5000 Nova Gorica
Slovenia (Europe)
e-mail: contact
tel. +386 40805534


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