Products ATEMM® are patented 

ATEMM® H-ESD and ATEMM® green point pad


The innovative products ATEMM® H-ESD and ATEMM® green point pad allow discharging static electricity from persons at home and at work. They provides a safer, more comfortable and relaxed stay and work with less stress.


Why you feel discomfort:

When walking, in all rooms, a person is charged with a positive or negative charge, depending on the material of the floor and footwear. Touching a grounded object or person will cause a discharge with an unpleasant static shock or a slight itching on the surface of the skin. Electrostatic charge is an unpredictable natural phenomenon that occurs most often in winter. We charge each time we move, rubbing with clothing or touching another person.

Usage: on household appliances, doors, computer, electronic devices

When you use, touch, ATEMM® green point pads, the static charge on your body is discharged without a shock or pain.


Use ATEMM® products on devices or equipment and on places where you experience static shocks.

On metal doors and door handles in buildings and on car door handles.


In the kitchen and workplace.







In tourist facilities, industry and shops








How we use ATEMM® green point pads:

  1. Stick the ATEMM® green point pad to a grounded surface where static electricity usually shakes you.
  2. Before touching the surface of an object or device, where you usually experience static shocks, press a finger on the ATEMM® green point pad..
  3. Now we are discharged and we can touch the object or device, that has usually shaken us, without any fear.

Do you want more information about ATEMM® products to solve problems in your company ?

logoLet us know where you have problems with static electricity..

Innovative in the development of static electricity discharge technologies..
ATEMM d.o.o. is an innovative company in the field of human static electricity discharge technology.We develop and produce innovative solutions for a healthy, comfortable and safe life. We are member in the Global Chamber of Business Leaders.

Our location

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ATEMM d.o.o.

Prvomajska ulica 28 A
5000 Nova Gorica
Slovenia (Europe)
e-mail: contact
tel. +386 40805534


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